Highlights of Vancouver's summer fireworks festival Celebration of Light in CanadaBeijing issues 20,000 NEV license plates to households without carWhy Ma Long, Feng Yu chosen as Chinese flag专家分析丨微软技术故障事件需进一步评估其长期影响People cool off by seaside during heat wave in TunisXi sends congratulatory message to sixth China美欧密集宣示AI军事化动向,专家:相关动态值得高度关注Iron flower performance lights up summer night sky in E China's Jiangsu日本富士山下泉水池中硬币累积1米多 管理者称乱投硬币或罚款百万日元波音“星际客机”返航时间仍未确定 美媒:这是“系统性质量控制问题”